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Baldwin County Library Cooperative (BCLC) Board Terminates Staff: Baldwin County Commission Staff Works with Member Libraries to Minimize Disruption of Joint Library Services

May 28, 2024, 13:45 PM

On Wednesday, May 22, 2024, the Baldwin County Library Cooperative (BCLC) board made the decision to terminate the entire staff of the BCLC effective immediately. The BCLC is overseen by a separate board in charge of daily operations including hiring and firing personnel.

It’s important to note that the Baldwin County Commission has not taken any action to discontinue any support to the library cooperative, however, Commission staff is actively investigating the circumstances surrounding this decision. Most importantly, Commission staff is working with member library directors to mitigate the disruptions in joint library services.

The courier service, a vital resource shared among member libraries, is being swiftly reestablished this week. Certain other services provided by the BCLC may require additional time to be fully reinstated.

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