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Baldwin County Commission Moves Forward with Right of Way Acquisition for Baldwin Beach Express II Project

Feb 7, 2025, 13:58 PM

On Tuesday, February 4, 2025, the Baldwin County Commission voted to approve key measures to advance the progress of a segment of the Baldwin Beach Express II project from Interstate 10 to Styx River.

The Baldwin County Commission took the following actions:

  • Approved the allocation of $4,000,000.00 from Capital Project Fund to Baldwin Beach Express II Right-of-Way Acquisition
  • Approved on-call consultant Volkert, Inc., to perform Right-of-Way Acquisition services for the Baldwin Beach Express II Project from Interstate 10 to Styx River with fees not to exceed $282,000.00

In previous years, the Baldwin County Commission has taken action to develop construction plans for the full 25-mile corridor between Interstate 10 and Interstate 65 as well as securing all environmental permitting for the corridor. Tuesday’s action authorizing the start of right-of-way acquisition is the next step in the process and will be conducted in a phased approach.  
