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Evacuation zones are developed to move threatened populations from hazards caused by natural or manmade disasters. The following zones have been established to foster an efficient and timely response to evacuation orders given by elected officials. When evacuation orders are given, residents and visitors are encouraged to move further inland or move to higher ground.

The following scenarios and descriptions will be used for the listed storm categories.  View Map

Scenario 1: 

Category 1 - Zone 1: All areas of Pleasure Island along with individuals living in manufactured homes, and those living in low lying flood prone areas countywide. (Pleasure Island consists of all areas south of the Intra-coastal Canal to include Fort Morgan, Gulf Shores, Orange Beach and Ono Island.)

Category 2 - Zone 1 & 2: All areas south of State Hwy 98 and the area on the Eastern Shore that is South of Interstate 10 and West of State Hwy 98. Additionally, all individuals living in proximity to the Fish, Styx, Blackwater and Perdido Rivers and all individuals living in manufactured homes, and those living in low lying flood prone areas countywide.

Category 3 - Zones 1 through 3: All areas south of State Hwy 98 and the area on the Eastern Shore west of State Hwy 98, and the area west of State Hwy 225 and west of Hwy 59 North of Stockton to the Baldwin/Monroe County line. Additionally, all individuals living in proximity to the Fish, Styx, Blackwater and Perdido Rivers and all individuals living in manufactured homes, and those living in low lying flood prone areas countywide.

Category 4 or 5 - Zones 1 through 4: All areas south of Interstate 10 and the area on the Eastern Shore west of State Hwy 225 and west of Hwy 59 North of Stockton to the Baldwin/Monroe County line. Additionally, all individuals living in manufactured homes and those living in low lying flood prone areas countywide.

Scenario 2: will be used when Elected Officials deem a wider evacuation order is needed based on guidance issued by the National Weather Service and the National Hurricane Center.

Categories 1 through 4: evacuation zones are same as listed above.

Category 5 - Zones 1 through 5: Everyone in Baldwin County should evacuate.

Evacuation Map 2024

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