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Hazard Mitigation Planning Commitee

Meetings are held the Third Thursday of the First Month of each Quarter (January, April, July & October)

The purpose of the local Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee (HMPC) is to provide input regarding mitigation issues, help to determine local guidelines and priorities concerning mitigation funding and actively participate in hazard mitigation planning process.

Meeting Schedule - The meeting schedule will be quarterly or biannual with the potential for special called meetings depending on what mitigation issues and activities arise or are taking place within the county. Annual meetings will be held to keep all stakeholders current on mitigation issues, activities, and potential projects; and to aid in maintaining productive collaboration between jurisdictions.

HMPC Team Members

  • Local Community Planners
  • Emergency Managers
  • Em Coordinators
  • GIS Specialist
  • Public Works/Utilities
  • Elected/Executive Officials
  • Engineering Staff
  • Floodplain Managers/Administrators
  • Local Emergency Planning Committee Members
  • Board of Education
  • State and Federal Partner

Jurisdiction Assessment Team

The Jurisdiction Assessment Team (JAT) would be comprised of a wider range of representatives within each jurisdiction who would collaborate to assess and organize mitigation planning ideas, projects, and needs for their respective jurisdiction. These JATs should facilitate local planning and provide information and feedback for the jurisdiction’s Core Planning Group member.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Attend and Participate in Scheduled HMPC meetings
  • Attend and Participate in Scheduled HMPC meetings
    • Discuss potential projects/project types
      • *must be included in the currently approved Local Hazard Mitigation Plan*
    • Discuss local guidelines and strategies
    • Advise EMA Director of the most feasible and beneficial mitigation projects
    • Assist in establishing prioritization of funding (for Letter of Intent based on project types, locations, and cost-benefit analysis information
  • Participate in Local Hazard Mitigation Plan revision
    • Attend HMPC meetings
    • Provide input about community vulnerabilities, risks, and hazards
    • Collaborate with “sub-teams” within each individual jurisdiction to determine mitigation needs, goals, and strategies
      • Utilize the “whole community” approach to engage community stakeholders and leaders to gather information about the mitigation needs within jurisdictions

Executive Committe Members

  1. Brandon Franklin, City of Gulf Shores-Chairperson
  2. Ricky Rider, City of Foley, Vice Chairperson
  3. Vernon Dandridge, Baldwin County EMA Planning & Grants Division Manager - HMPC Secretary
  4. Danon Smith, Baldwin County EMA Deputy Director
  5. Erik Cortinas, City of Fairhope
  6. Nicole Woerner, City of Orange Beach
  7. Joshua Newman, City of Daphne

Click this link to search for HMPC Agenda's and Minutes

Baldwin County Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee Bylaws

Baldwin County Seal White

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