Appraised values are based on sales of properties in your neighborhood. The valuation date is October 1, 2022 to September 30, 2023. Only sales or listing information during this timeframe can be considered.
NOTE: If the assessment has doubled, this may be an assessment issue and the owner may contact the assessment department. If there appear to be factual errors, such as land or building size, building removed, etc owner may contact the appraisal department.
Protest forms are available on our website during the 30 day protest period and may be filed online, or downloaded. Protests must include: PPIN and Parcel Number, contact phone number, email address if available, and must be filed within 30 days of the Notice Date.
NOTICE DATE: April 1, 2025
Supporting information should be submitted at the time the protest is filed.
You may submit your appeal online, or by email, or by mail.
Phone: (251) 937-0245
Mailing Address:
PO BOX 1389
Decisions by the Board of Equalization must be based upon evidence presented to it at a hearing. Therefore, you need to provide supporting documents such as pictures showing the condition of the property, appraisals, other recent sales of property or other similar documentation.
We do NOT take protests over the phone. The protest must be in writing and signed by the property owner or their representative. However, our staff is available to help with questions.
Property owners should submit supporting information at the time of filing the protest. A County appraiser will review the information and will contact you by phone or email for an Informal Interview. If the protest is still unresolved, an appointment will be scheduled with the Board of Equalization at the Revenue Commission office in Bay Minette. Appointments with the Board of Equalization cannot be rescheduled; however, there will be a make-up day at the end of the scheduled appointments.
Notices were mailed to all property owners except those that are totally exempt from taxes. Property owners should confirm that we have their correct mailing address. Address changes can be made online or by contacting the Assessment Department. Valuations can be found on our website and are searchable by PPIN and Owners Name.
NOTE: A public notice was published in the local papers March 26, March 28, April 2 and April 4; giving notice that the valuations were completed and information on how to protest.
Although there will be no scheduled meetings with County appraisers, several attempts will be made by phone and/or email to contact the property owner prior to scheduling the protest for an appointment with the Board of Equalization. We will NOT be rescheduling Board of Equalization hearings. However, there will be a makeup day, at the end of the scheduled appointments, with the Board of Equalization.
Property owners should be aware that the Valuation Notice is NOT a tax bill and should not attempt to make payment. Property Tax Bills will be mailed in October.
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