Baldwin County

  • ​Baldwin County Commission
    Baldwin County Planning and Zoning Department

    Main Office-251.580.1655
    22251 Palmer Street, Robertsdale, AL 36567
    Foley Office - 251.972.8523
    201 East Section Avenue, Foley, AL 36535             
    Case #: Z23-9
    Applicant Name: Michael Manning
    Planning District:    32  
    Mako Forestry Property
    Notice is hereby given that the Baldwin County Commission will conduct a public hearing concerning a request submitted by Michael Manning on behalf of Mako Forestry Corporation. The applicant is requesting approval to rezone 3.06 acres from B-3 - General Business to RR - Rural. The Parcel Identification Number is 05-53-07-35-0-000-009.005.

    The public hearing will be conducted during the next regular meeting of Baldwin County Commission which is scheduled for Tuesday June 20, 2023 beginning at 10:00 a.m. at the Baldwin County Fairhope Satellite Courthouse, Commission Meeting Chambers - Second Floor, 1100 Fairhope Avenue, Fairhope AL 36532.

    The said application will be considered by the Baldwin County Commission pursuant to Alabama Code- 45-2-261. The application materials are available for public review at the office of the Baldwin County Planning and Zoning Department, 22251 Palmer Street in Robertsdale, AL or at the Foley Satellite Courthouse, 201 East Section Avenue in Foley, Alabama during normal business hours. If you desire to speak with someone by telephone about this application, please contact the Baldwin County Planning and Zoning Department at (251)-580-1655. If you desire to submit written comments, please address your correspondence to:

    Baldwin County Planning & Zoning
    22251 Palmer Street
    Robertsdale, AL 36567

    You may email your comments to: If you desire to address the Baldwin County Commission in person about this application, please attend the public hearing at the time and location listed above.

    Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, disability. Persons who require special accommodations under the Americans with Disability Act or those requiring language translation services should contact the Baldwin County Planning & Zoning Department at 251-580-1655.

    20 June 2023 - 10:00 AM

    Baldwin County Planning and Zoning Department

    Main Office-251.580.1655
    22251 Palmer Street, Robertsdale, AL 36567
    Foley Office - 251.972.8523
    201 East Section Avenue, Foley, AL 36535

    Case #: Z23-11
    Applicant Name: SETH MOORE
    Planning District:  8
    Torres Property  
    Notice is hereby given that the Baldwin County Commission will conduct a public hearing concerning a request submitted by SETH MOORE on behalf of JORGE TORRES. The applicant is requesting approval to rezone 1.56 acres+/- from RSF-1 - Single Family to B-2 - Neighborhood Business. The Parcel Identification Number is 05-46-05-21-0-000-026.000.

    The public hearing will be conducted during the next regular meeting of Baldwin County Commission, which is scheduled for Tuesday, June 20, 2023 beginning at 10:00 a.m. at the Baldwin County Fairhope Satellite Courthouse, Commission Meeting Chambers - Second Floor, 1100 Fairhope Avenue, Fairhope AL 36532.

    The said application will be considered by the Baldwin County Commission pursuant to Alabama Code- 45-2-261. The application materials are available for public review at the office of the Baldwin County Planning and Zoning Department, 22251 Palmer Street in Robertsdale, AL or at the Foley Satellite Courthouse, 201 East Section Avenue in Foley, Alabama during normal business hours. If you desire to speak with someone by telephone about this application, please contact the Baldwin County Planning and Zoning Department at (251)-580-1655. If you desire to submit written comments, please address your correspondence to:

    Baldwin County Planning & Zoning
    22251 Palmer Street
    Robertsdale, AL 36567

    You may email your comments to: If you desire to address the Baldwin County Commission in person about this application, please attend the public hearing at the time and location listed above.

    Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, disability. Persons who require special accommodations under the Americans with Disability Act or those requiring language translation services should contact the Baldwin County Planning & Zoning Department at 251-580-1655.

    20 June 2023 - 10:00 AM


    The Baldwin County Commission will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, June 20, 2023, beginning at 10:00 a.m. at the Baldwin County Fairhope Satellite Courthouse, County Commission Meeting Chambers – 2nd Floor, located at 1100 Fairhope Avenue, Fairhope, Alabama 36532.
    The purpose of this hearing, in accordance with Section 41‐9‐166 of the Code of Alabama, 1975, and Section 34‐14A‐12 of the Code of Alabama, 1975, and other applicable laws, is to receive input on the proposed amendments to the Baldwin County Building Inspection Department Fee Schedule.

    On Tuesday, June 20, 2023, the Baldwin County Commission, in a regular meeting assembled beginning at 10:00 a.m. at the Baldwin County Fairhope Satellite Courthouse, County Commission Meeting Chambers – 2nd Floor, located at 1100 Fairhope Avenue, Fairhope, Alabama 36532, will consider the adoption of Resolution #2023-116 which would authorize amendment to the Baldwin County Building Inspection Department Fee Schedule.

    Copies of the proposed resolution and fee schedule are available for public review during regular business hours at the following Building Department locations: (1) Foley Satellite Courthouse, 201 E. Section St., Foley, AL, (2) Fairhope Satellite Courthouse, 1100 Fairhope Ave., Fairhope, AL, and (3) Baldwin County Central Annex I, 22251 Palmer St., Robertsdale, AL.

    Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, disability, or family status. Persons who require special accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act or those requiring language translation services should contact Mindy Smith, Permit Administrator, at 251-972-6837 or

    Public notice of this meeting of the Baldwin County Commission is in accordance with Section 11-3-8(a) of the Code of Alabama, 1975.

    20 June 2023 - 10:00 AM


    Main Office-251.580.1655
    22251 Palmer St., Robertsdale, AL 36567          
    Foley Office - 251.972.8523
    201 East Section Ave., Foley, AL 36535

    Case #: Z23-8
    Teachers Retirement System of Alabama Property
    Planning District: 19

    Notice is hereby given that the Baldwin County Planning & Zoning Commission will conduct a public hearing concerning a request submitted by Barbara Garner, Goodwyn, Mills and Cawood, Inc. on behalf of Teachers Retirement System of Alabama. The applicant is requesting approval to rezone 7.2 acres from OR - Outdoor Recreation to RSF-1 - Single Family. The Parcel Identification Numbers is 05-46-09-30-0-000-090.001.

    The public hearing will be conducted during the regular meeting of Baldwin County Commission, scheduled for Wednesday, July 5, 2023 beginning at 10:00 a.m. at the Baldwin County Administration Building, County Commission Meeting Chambers, 322 Courthouse Square, Bay Minette, Al.  36507.

    The said application will be considered by the Baldwin County Commission pursuant to Alabama Code- 45-2-261. The application materials are available for public review at the office of the Baldwin County Planning and Zoning Department, 22251 Palmer Street in Robertsdale, AL or at the Foley Satellite Courthouse, 201 East Section Avenue in Foley, Alabama during normal business hours. If you desire to speak with someone by telephone about this application, please contact the Baldwin County Planning and Zoning Department at (251)-580-1655. If you desire to submit written comments, please address your correspondence to:

    Baldwin County Planning & Zoning
    22251 Palmer Street
    Robertsdale, AL 36567

    You may email your comments to: If you desire to address the Baldwin County Planning and Zoning Commission in person about this application, please attend the public hearing at the time and location listed above.

    Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, disability. Persons who require special accommodations under the Americans with Disability Act or those requiring language translation services should contact the Baldwin County Planning & Zoning Department at 251-580-1655.

    05 July 2023 - 10:00 AM


    Main Office-251.580.1655
    22251 Palmer St., Robertsdale, AL 36567          
    Foley Office - 251.972.8523
    201 East Section Ave., Foley, AL 36535

    Case #: PRD23-1
    The Oaks at the Colony
    Planning District: 19

    Notice is hereby given that the Baldwin County Planning & Zoning Commission will conduct a public hearing concerning a request submitted by Barbara Garner, Goodwyn, Mills and Cawood, Inc. on behalf of Teachers Retirement System of Alabama. The applicant is requesting approval of a 6-lot Planned Residential Development, The Oaks at the Colony. The Parcel Identification Numbers is 05-46-09-30-0-000-090.001.

    The public hearing will be conducted during the regular meeting of Baldwin County Commission, scheduled for Wednesday, July 5, 2023 beginning at 10:00 a.m. at the Baldwin County Administration Building, County Commission Meeting Chambers, 322 Courthouse Square, Bay Minette, Al.  36507.

    The said application will be considered by the Baldwin County Commission pursuant to Alabama Code- 45-2-261. The application materials are available for public review at the office of the Baldwin County Planning and Zoning Department, 22251 Palmer Street in Robertsdale, AL or at the Foley Satellite Courthouse, 201 East Section Avenue in Foley, Alabama during normal business hours. If you desire to speak with someone by telephone about this application, please contact the Baldwin County Planning and Zoning Department at (251)-580-1655. If you desire to submit written comments, please address your correspondence to:

    Baldwin County Planning & Zoning
    22251 Palmer Street
    Robertsdale, AL 36567

    You may email your comments to: If you desire to address the Baldwin County Planning and Zoning Commission in person about this application, please attend the public hearing at the time and location listed above.

    Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, disability. Persons who require special accommodations under the Americans with Disability Act or those requiring language translation services should contact the Baldwin County Planning & Zoning Department at 251-580-1655.

    05 July 2023 - 10:00 AM


    22251 Palmer Street
    Robertsdale. Al 36567



    OUR VISION: A Citizen’s Guide to Growth in the Zoned Areas of Baldwin County

    Notice is hereby given that the Baldwin County Commission will hold a public hearing concerning the Baldwin County Master Plan, OUR VISION: A Citizen’s Guide to Growth in the Zoned Areas of Baldwin County.

    The proposed Plan will be considered by the Baldwin County Commission pursuant to Alabama Code 45-2-261, and copies thereof are available at the following locations during normal business hours:

    1. Baldwin County Planning & Zoning Department, Foley Satellite Courthouse, 201 East Section Ave. in Foley, Alabama,

    2. Baldwin County Planning & Zoning Department, Central Annex 22251 Palmer Street, Robertsdale, Alabama,

    3. County Commission Office, Baldwin County Administration Building, 322 Courthouse Square, Bay Minette, Alabama,

    4. Baldwin County Commission Office, Fairhope Satellite Courthouse, 1100 Fairhope Avenue, Fairhope, Alabama,

    5. Baldwin County Commission Office, Baldwin County Central Annex Building, 22251 Palmer Street, Robertsdale, Alabama,

    6.  Baldwin County Commission Office, Foley Satellite Courthouse, 201 East Section Avenue, Foley, Alabama,

    7. Baldwin County Courthouse, 312 Courthouse Square, Bay Minette, Alabama

    The public hearing will be conducted during the regular meeting of the Baldwin County Commission, scheduled for Tuesday, July 18, 2023, 8:30 a.m. at the Baldwin County Fairhope Satellite Courthouse, County Commission Meeting Chambers-2nd Floor, 1100 Fairhope Avenue, Fairhope Alabama 36532, during which hearing all persons may be heard in opposition to or in favor of the plan.

    Should you have questions or comments regarding this meeting, please call any of the telephone numbers provided above or email:  If you desire to address the Baldwin County Commission in person about this application, please attend the public hearing at the time and location listed above.

    18 July 2023 - 08:30 AM


    Main Office-251.580.1655
    22251 Palmer St., Robertsdale, AL 36567F

    Foley Office
    201 East Section Ave., Foley, AL 36535  
    Case #: TA-23002
    Amendment to the Baldwin County Zoning Ordinance
    To add Planning District 39 Map and Local Ordinance

    Notice is hereby given that the Baldwin County Commission will conduct a public hearing concerning an Amendment to the Baldwin County Zoning Ordinance to add the Planning District 39 Map and Local Provisions and make other general revisions to the Zoning Ordinance.

    The public hearing will be conducted during the regular meeting of the Baldwin County Commission, scheduled for Tuesday, July 18, 2023, beginning at 8:30 a.m. at the Baldwin County Fairhope Satellite Courthouse, County Commission Meeting Chambers-2nd Floor, 1100 Fairhope Ave., Fairhope, AL 36532.

    The said application will be considered by the Baldwin County Commission pursuant to Alabama
    Code- 45-2-261. The application materials are available for public review at the office of the Baldwin County Planning and Zoning Department, 22251 Palmer Street in Robertsdale, AL or at the Foley Satellite Courthouse, 201 East Section Avenue in Foley, Alabama during normal business hours. If you desire to speak with someone by telephone about this application, please contact the Baldwin County Planning and Zoning Department at 251-580-1655. If you desire to submit written comments, please address your correspondence to:

    Baldwin County Planning & Zoning
    22251 Palmer Street
    Robertsdale, AL 36567
    You may email your comments to: If you desire to address the Baldwin County Commission in person about this application, please attend the public hearing at the time and location listed above. Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, or disability. Persons who require special accommodations under the Americans with Disability Act or those requiring language translation services should contact the Baldwin County Planning & Zoning Department at 251-580-1655.

    18 July 2023 - 08:30 AM


    Baldwin County Commission hereby provides notice of a public hearing related to the development of its comprehensive solid waste management plan. The Public Hearing will include, but will not be limited to, landfill management, waste collection, recycling, composting, dump abatement, and other waste management alternatives which have been affected by §§ 22-27-40, et seq., Code of Alabama (1975), and which will be affected by the promulgation of Subtitle D of the Resource and Conservation and Recovery Act administered by the United States Environmental Protection Agency.

    Public Comment Period begins June 20, 2023, and ends August 1, 2023.

    To obtain a copy of the proposed Baldwin County Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan 2014 - 2024, please visit, during normal business hours from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., at the following location:

    Baldwin County Solid Waste Department
    (Magnolia Landfill)
    15093 Landfill Drive
    Summerdale, Alabama

    The Baldwin County Commission encourages all interested citizens to review the Plan and attend the Public Hearing, which will be held on Tuesday, August 1, 2023, at 8:30 a.m. in the Baldwin County Commission Chambers in the Administrative Building located at 322 Courthouse Square Bay Minette, Alabama.


    Terri Graham, Development and Environmental Director
    Baldwin County Solid Waste Department
    15093 Landfill Drive
    Summerdale, AL 36580
    Phone: 251.972.6878

    01 August 2023 - 08:30 AM


    Pursuant to Alabama Act 89-824, codified at §§ 22-27-40 through 49, Code of Alabama (1975), the Baldwin County Commission hereby issues public notification of its intent to consider the siting of a new solid waste management facility in Bay Minette, Alabama, which facility and location are further described below.

    To review a copy of both the local solid waste management plan and the application, please visit, during normal business hours from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., at the location referenced below:

    Baldwin County Solid Waste Department (Magnolia Landfill)
    15093 Landfill Drive
    Summerdale, Alabama

    The Baldwin County Waste Siting Board solicits public comments and invites all interested citizens to attend a public hearing, on Tuesday, August 1, 2023, at 8:30 a.m. in the Baldwin County Commission Chambers in the Administrative Building located at 322 Courthouse Square, Bay Minette, Alabama, at which time the following permitting application will be addressed:

    -Application to open a Transfer Station. The permitting application being considered will allow Baldwin County Solid Waste to submit a new permit application to the Alabama Department of Public Health for the construction of a new transfer station to be located at the end of Redhill Road Extension. If the application is approved, the current Bay Minette Transfer Station (Alabama Department of Public Heath Permit Number 05-15-001) located at 43205 Nicholsville Road, Bay Minette, AL 36507 will cease operations. Application for the new site is being considered to accommodate continued growth and industrial expansion, providing adequate disposal services to all areas of Baldwin County.

    The proposed site is within unincorporated Baldwin County. The site is owned and operated by the Baldwin County Commission through the Solid Waste Department. The application for the transfer station permit is consistent with the Baldwin County Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan, which plan is available for review at Magnolia Landfill, 15093 Landfill Drive, Summerdale, AL 36580.

    The Baldwin County Commission shall make a discretionary decision to approve or disapprove the siting of the transfer station. In determining whether to approve the siting of the new solid waste management facility, the Baldwin County Commission shall consider the following criteria, outlined by § 22-27-48(c), Code of Alabama (1975):

    (1) The consistency of the proposal with solid waste management needs as identified in the solid waste management plan.
    (2) The relationship of the proposal to local planned or existing development or the absence thereof, to major transportation arteries and to existing state primary and secondary roads.
    (3) The location of a proposed facility in relationship to existing industries in the state that generate large volumes of solid waste, or the relationship to the areas projected for development of industries that will generate solid waste.
    (4) Costs and availability of public services, facilities and improvements required to support a proposed facility and protect public health, safety, and the environment.
    (5) The impact of a proposed facility on public safety and provisions made to minimize the impact on public health and safety.
    (6) The social and economic impacts on the affected community, including changes in property values, and social or community perception.

    The approval process as established in § 22-27-48.1, Code of Alabama (1975), will be as follows:

    June 20, 2023 - Baldwin County Commission formally received application, approved Public Comment Period, Public Hearing and Public Awareness Meeting advertisements. Within ten (10) days, notice shall be provided to adjacent property owners via certified mail and general public via, newspaper, public service announcements, and on the Baldwin County Commissions’ website,
    July 21, 2023 @ 10:00 a.m. - Public Awareness Session, Baldwin County Commission Chambers, Administrative Building, 322 Courthouse Square, Bay Minette, Alabama, during which the applicant shall provide general information on the proposal and address questions and concerns of the affected community. Members of the public may submit written questions or comments germane to the proposal.

    August 1, 2023 @ 8:30 a.m. - Public Hearing and Public Comment Review. The public may submit written comments at any time up to the conclusion of the hearing. The Baldwin County Commission shall have thirty (30) days following the Public Hearing to make its decision to approve or disapprove the proposal.

    If the Baldwin County Commission grants approval of the application, applicant shall petition the Circuit Court of Baldwin County, Alabama for a determination pursuant to § 22-27-48.1(i), Code of Alabama (1975), of whether the proper requirements and time frames were complied with, whether such approval is consistent with the solid waste management plan, and whether the proper criteria was considered.
    All interested persons seeking to obtain additional information, to review a copy of the local solid waste management plan and the application are asked to please contact:

    Mrs. Terri Graham
    Development and Environmental Director
    Telephone (251) 972-6878

    Interested persons can obtain or can review copies of both the local solid waste management plan and the application, and the time frame for public hearings and involvement can do so at the following address:

    Magnolia Landfill
    15093 Landfill Drive
    Summerdale, AL 36580

    The public may submit written comments to the governing body via email or regular mail to the following:
    Mrs. Terri Graham
    Development and Environmental Director
    15093 Landfill Drive
    Summerdale, AL 36580

    01 August 2023 - 08:30 AM


    Pursuant to Alabama Act 89-824, codified at §§ 22-27-40 through 49, Code of Alabama (1975), the Baldwin County Commission hereby issues public notification of the intent to consider a major modification of the Solid Waste Disposal Permit for Magnolia Landfill located in Summerdale, Alabama.

    Public Comment Period begins June 20, 2023, and ends August 1, 2023.
    To review and inspect all pertinent document,, please visit, during normal business hours from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., at the location referenced below:

    Baldwin County Solid Waste Department
    (Magnolia Landfill)
    15093 Landfill Drive
    Summerdale, Alabama

    The Baldwin County Waste Siting Board solicits public comments and invites all interested citizens to attend a public hearing, on Tuesday, August 1, 2023, at 8:30 a.m. in the Baldwin County Commission Chambers in the Administrative Building located at 322 Courthouse Square, Bay Minette, Alabama, at which time the Magnolia Landfill Permit Modification to expand the service area to include Clark County, Conecuh County, Escambia County, Mobile County, Monroe County, and Washington County will be addressed.

    This major modification will provide an expanded service area for the municipal solid waste landfill. The Magnolia Sanitary Landfill is described as being located in a part of the NE ¼ of Section 9 and of the NW¼ of Section 10, Township 7 South, Range 3 East in Baldwin County, Alabama. The total permitted area for the Magnolia Sanitary Landfill is 522 acres, with a disposal area of 287 .10 acres. All previously approved variances shall remain in the permit.

    The property is within unincorporated Baldwin County. It is owned and operated by the Baldwin County Commission through the Solid Waste Department. The modification of this facility's ADEM Permit is consistent with the Baldwin County Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan.

    To obtain additional information, to review a copy of the local plan and the proposal to be considered or to make written comments, please contact:

    Mrs. Terri Graham
    Development and Environmental Director
    15093 Landfill Drive
    Summerdale, AL 36580
    Telephone (251) 972-6878

    01 August 2023 - 08:30 AM


    Pursuant to Alabama Act 89-824, codified at §§ 22-27-40 through 49, Code of Alabama (1975), the Baldwin County Commission hereby issues public notification of its intent to consider the siting of a new solid waste facility in Bay Minette, Alabama, which facility and location are further described below.

    To review a copy of both the local solid waste management plan and the application, please visit the location referenced below during normal business hours (from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.):

    Baldwin County Solid Waste Department (Magnolia Landfill)
    15093 Landfill Drive
    Summerdale, Alabama

    The Baldwin County Waste Siting Board solicits public comments and invites all interested citizens to attend a public hearing, on Tuesday, August 1, 2023, at 8:30 a.m. in the Baldwin County Commission Chambers in the Administration Building located at 322 Courthouse Square, Bay Minette, Alabama, where the following application will be addressed:

    -Permit Application for Construction and Demolition Disposal at the Redhill Landfill. The Red Hill Landfill is located at the end of Redhill Road Extension and does not currently accept solid waste of any kind. The proposed permit would allow for vertical expansion of the Red Hill Landfill to accept construction and demolition waste. The modification is being considered to accommodate continued growth and industrial expansion, providing adequate disposal services to all areas of the county. The property is within unincorporated Baldwin County. It is owned and operated by the Baldwin County Commission through the Solid Waste Department. The application for this permit is consistent with the Baldwin County Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan.

    The Baldwin County Commission shall make a discretionary decision to approve or disapprove the permit application. In determining whether to approve the siting of the new solid waste management site, the Baldwin County Commission shall consider the following criteria, outlined by § 22-27-48(c), Code of Alabama (1975):

    (1) The consistency of the proposal with solid waste management needs as identified in the solid waste management plan.
    (2) The relationship of the proposal to local planned or existing development or the absence thereof, to major transportation arteries and to existing state primary and secondary roads.
    (3) The location of a proposed facility in relationship to existing industries in the state that generate large volumes of solid waste, or
    the relationship to the areas projected for development of industries that will generate solid waste.
    (4) Costs and availability of public services, facilities and improvements required to support a proposed facility and protect public health, safety, and the environment.
    (5) The impact of a proposed facility on public safety and provisions made to minimize the impact on public health and safety.
    (6) The social and economic impacts on the affected community, including changes in property values, and social or community perception.

    The approval process as established in § 22-27-48.1, Code of Alabama (1975), will be as follows:

    June 20, 2023 - Baldwin County Commission formally received application, approved Public Comment Period, Public Hearing and Public Awareness Meeting advertisements. Within ten (10) days, notice shall be provided to adjacent property owners via certified mail and general public via, newspaper, public service announcements, and on the Baldwin County Commissions’ website,

    July 21, 2023 @ 10:00 a.m. - Public Awareness Session, Baldwin County Commission Chambers, Administrative Building, 322 Courthouse Square, Bay Minette, Alabama, during which the applicant shall provide general information on the proposal and address questions and concerns of the affected community. Members of the public may submit written questions or comments germane to the proposal.

    August 1, 2023 @ 8:30 a.m. - Public Hearing and Public Comment Review. The public may submit written comments at any time up to the conclusion of the hearing. The Baldwin County Commission shall have thirty (30) days following the Public Hearing to make its decision to approve or disapprove the proposal.

    If the Baldwin County Commission grants approval of the application, applicant shall petition the Circuit Court of Baldwin County, Alabama for a determination pursuant to § 22-27-48.1(i), Code of Alabama (1975), of whether the proper requirements and time frames were complied with, whether such approval is consistent with the solid waste management plan, and whether the proper criteria was considered.

    All interested persons seeking to obtain additional information, to review a copy of the local solid waste management plan and the application are asked to please contact:
    Mrs. Terri Graham
    Development and Environmental Director
    Telephone (251) 972-6878

    Interested persons can obtain or can review copies of both the local solid waste management plan and the application, and the time frame for public hearings and involvement can do so at the following address:
    Magnolia Landfill
    15093 Landfill Drive
    Summerdale, AL 36580

    The public may submit written comments to the governing body via email or regular mail to the following:
    Mrs. Terri Graham
    Development and Environmental Director
    15093 Landfill Drive
    Summerdale, AL 36580

    01 August 2023 - 08:30 AM


    Baldwin County Planning and Zoning Department

    Main Office-251.580.1655

    22251 Palmer Street, Robertsdale, AL 36567          

    Foley Office

    201 East Section Avenue, Foley, AL 36535                                                                           

    Baldwin County Commission



    Case No. Z23-16

    Applicant Name: Claudia Arellano

    Planning District: 22   

    Arellano Property                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

    Notice is hereby given that the Baldwin County Commission will conduct a public hearing concerning a request submitted by Claudia Arellano. The applicant is requesting approval to rezone 1+/- acres from RA - Rural Agriculture to B-3 - General Business. The Parcel Identification Number is 05-53-08-28-0-000-001.001.

    The public hearing will be conducted during the regular meeting of Baldwin County Commission, which is scheduled for Tuesday, August 15, 2023, beginning at 8:30 a.m. at the Baldwin County Fairhope Satellite Courthouse, County Commission Meeting Chambers-2nd Floor, 1100 Fairhope Avenue, Fairhope AL 36532.

    The said application will be considered by the Baldwin County Commission pursuant to Alabama Code- 45-2-261. The application materials are available for public review at the office of the Baldwin County Planning and Zoning Department, 22251 Palmer Street in Robertsdale, Alabama or at the Foley Satellite Courthouse, 201 East Section Avenue in Foley, Alabama during normal business hours. If you desire to speak with someone by telephone about this application, please contact the Baldwin County Planning and Zoning Department at (251) 580-1655. If you desire to submit written comments, please address your correspondence to:

    Baldwin County Planning & Zoning

    22251 Palmer Street

    Robertsdale, AL 36567

    You may email your comments to: If you desire to address the Baldwin County Commission in person about this application, please attend the public hearing at the time and location listed above.

    Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, disability. Persons who require special accommodations under the Americans with Disability Act or those requiring language translation services should contact the Baldwin County Planning & Zoning Department at 251-580-1655.

    15 August 2023 - 08:30 AM


    Baldwin County Planning and Zoning Department

    Main Office-251.580.1655

    22251 Palmer Street, Robertsdale, AL 36567          

    Foley Office

    201 East Section Avenue, Foley, AL 36535                                                                            

    Baldwin County Commission


    Case No. Z23-15

    Applicant Name: Robert DeNeefe

    Twelve Ducks Property

    Planning District: 37                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

    Notice is hereby given that the Baldwin County Commission will conduct a public hearing concerning a request submitted by Robert DeNeefe on behalf of Twelve Ducks LLC. The applicant is requesting approval to rezone .78+/- acres from RSF-1 to B-2 - Neighborhood Business. The Parcel Identification Number is 05-46-05-15-0-000-003.506.

    The public hearing will be conducted during the regular meeting of Baldwin County Commission, which is scheduled for Tuesday, August 15, 2023, beginning at 8:30 a.m. at the Baldwin County Fairhope Satellite Courthouse, County Commission Meeting Chambers-2nd Floor, 1100 Fairhope Avenue, Fairhope AL 36532

    The said application will be considered by the Baldwin County Commission pursuant to Alabama Code- 45-2-261. The application materials are available for public review at the office of the Baldwin County Planning and Zoning Department, 22251 Palmer Street in Robertsdale, Alabama or at the Foley Satellite Courthouse, 201 East Section Avenue in Foley, Alabama during normal business hours. If you desire to speak with someone by telephone about this application, please contact the Baldwin County Planning and Zoning Department at (251) 580-1655. If you desire to submit written comments, please address your correspondence to:

    Baldwin County Planning & Zoning

    22251 Palmer Street

    Robertsdale, AL 36567

    You may email your comments to: If you desire to address the Baldwin County Commission in person about this application, please attend the public hearing at the time and location listed above.

    Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, disability. Persons who require special accommodations under the Americans with Disability Act or those requiring language translation services should contact the Baldwin County Planning & Zoning Department at 251-580-1655.

    15 August 2023 - 08:30 AM


    Baldwin County Planning and Zoning Department

    Main Office-251.580.1655

    22251 Palmer Street, Robertsdale, AL 36567          

    Foley Office

    201 East Section Avenue, Foley, AL 36535                                                                           



    Case No. Z23-17

    Applicant Name: Angelina Smith

    Planning District:12 

    Smith Property                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

    Notice is hereby given that the Baldwin County Commission will conduct a public hearing concerning a request submitted by Angelina Smith on behalf of Randy M and Angelina A Smith. The applicant is requesting approval to rezone 20+/- acres from RSF-2 - Single Family to RA - Rural Agriculture. The Parcel Identification Number is 05-42-05-15-0-000-034.000.

    The public hearing will be conducted during the regular meeting of Baldwin County Commission, which is scheduled for Tuesday, August 15, 2023 beginning at 8:30 a.m. at the Baldwin County Fairhope Satellite Courthouse, County Commission Meeting Chambers-2nd Floor, 1100 Fairhope Avenue, Fairhope AL 36532.

    The said application will be considered by the Baldwin County Commission pursuant to Alabama Code- 45-2-261. The application materials are available for public review at the office of the Baldwin County Planning and Zoning Department, 22251 Palmer Street in Robertsdale, Alabama or at the Foley Satellite Courthouse, 201 East Section Avenue in Foley, Alabama during normal business hours. If you desire to speak with someone by telephone about this application, please contact the Baldwin County Planning and Zoning Department at (251) 580-1655. If you desire to submit written comments, please address your correspondence to:

    Baldwin County Planning & Zoning

    22251 Palmer Street

    Robertsdale, AL 36567

    You may email your comments to: If you desire to address the Baldwin County Commission in person about this application, please attend the public hearing at the time and location listed above.

    Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, disability. Persons who require special accommodations under the Americans with Disability Act or those requiring language translation services should contact the Baldwin County Planning & Zoning Department at 251-580-1655.

    15 August 2023 - 08:30 AM


    Baldwin County Planning and Zoning Department

    Main Office-251.580.1655

    22251 Palmer Street, Robertsdale, AL 36567          

    Foley Office

    201 East Section Avenue, Foley, AL 36535

    BALDWIN COUNTY COMMISSION                                                                     


    Case No. Z23-19

    Applicant Name: MILTON ANDERSON

    Planning District: 20

    Goldberg Property                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

    Notice is hereby given that the Baldwin County Commission will conduct a public hearing concerning a request submitted by MILTON ANDERSON on behalf of Alan Goldberg. The applicant is requesting approval to rezone 9.5+/- acres from RSF-1 - Single Family to RA - Rural Agriculture. The Parcel Identification Numbers are 05-55-08-34-0-000-001.025, 05-55-08-34-0-000-001.008, 05-55-08-34-0-000-001.009 and 05-55-08-34-0-000-001.010.

    The public hearing will be conducted during the regular meeting of Baldwin County Commission, which is scheduled for Tuesday, August 15, 2023, beginning at 8:30 a.m. at the Baldwin County Fairhope Satellite Courthouse, County Commission Meeting Chambers-2nd Floor, 1100 Fairhope Avenue, Fairhope AL 36532.

    The said application will be considered by the Baldwin County Commission pursuant to Alabama Code- 45-2-261. The application materials are available for public review at the office of the Baldwin County Planning and Zoning Department, 22251 Palmer Street in Robertsdale, Alabama or at the Foley Satellite Courthouse, 201 East Section Avenue in Foley, Alabama during normal business hours. If you desire to speak with someone by telephone about this application, please contact the Baldwin County Planning and Zoning Department at (251) 580-1655. If you desire to submit written comments, please address your correspondence to:

    Baldwin County Planning & Zoning

    22251 Palmer Street

    Robertsdale, AL 36567


    You may email your comments to: If you desire to address the Baldwin County Commission in person about this application, please attend the public hearing at the time and location listed above.

    Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, disability. Persons who require special accommodations under the Americans with Disability Act or those requiring language translation services should contact the Baldwin County Planning & Zoning Department at 251-580-1655.

    15 August 2023 - 08:30 AM


    Baldwin County Planning and Zoning Department

    Main Office-251.580.1655

    22251 Palmer Street, Robertsdale, AL 36567          

    Foley Office

    201 East Section Avenue, Foley, AL 36535

    BALDWIN COUNTY COMMISSION                                                                          


    Case No. Z23-18

    Applicant Name: Greg Gipson

    Planning District: 10

    Gipson Property                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

    Notice is hereby given that the Baldwin County Commission will conduct a public hearing concerning a request submitted by Greg Gipson. The applicant is requesting approval to rezone 10.5+/- acres from RSF-2 - Single Family to RA - Rural Agriculture. The Parcel Identification Number is 05-32-03-05-0-000-002.139.

    The public hearing will be conducted during the regular meeting of Baldwin County Commission, which is scheduled for Tuesday, August 15, 2023, beginning at 8:30 a.m. at the Baldwin County Fairhope Satellite Courthouse, County Commission Meeting Chambers-2nd Floor, 1100 Fairhope Avenue, Fairhope AL 36532.

    The said application will be considered by the Baldwin County Commission pursuant to Alabama Code- 45-2-261. The application materials are available for public review at the office of the Baldwin County Planning and Zoning Department, 22251 Palmer Street in Robertsdale, Alabama or at the Foley Satellite Courthouse, 201 East Section Avenue in Foley, Alabama during normal business hours. If you desire to speak with someone by telephone about this application, please contact the Baldwin County Planning and Zoning Department at (251) 580-1655. If you desire to submit written comments, please address your correspondence to:

    Baldwin County Planning and Zoning

    22251 Palmer Street

    Robertsdale, Al. 36567


    You may email your comments to: If you desire to address the Baldwin County Commission in person about this application, please attend the public hearing at the time and location listed above.

    Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, disability. Persons who require special accommodations under the Americans with Disability Act or those requiring language translation services should contact the Baldwin County Planning & Zoning Department at 251-580-1655.

    15 August 2023 - 08:30 AM



    Main Office-251.580.1655

    22251 Palmer Street, Robertsdale, AL 36567          

    Foley Office

    201 East Section Avenue, Foley, AL 36535                                                                            



    Case #: Z23-000026

    Applicant Name: Barbara Garner

    Planning District:  12

    ECOVERY LLC Property                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  


    Notice is hereby given that the Baldwin County Commission will conduct a public hearing concerning a request submitted by Barbara Garner on behalf of Ecovery, LLC. The applicant is requesting approval to rezone 45+/- acres from M-1 - Light Industrial to M-2 - General Industrial. The Parcel Identification Numbers are 05-42-06-14-0-000-007.011, 05-42-06-14-0-000-007.015 AND 05-42-06-14-0-000-007.000.

    The public hearing will be conducted during the regular meeting of Baldwin County Commission, which is scheduled for Tuesday, September 19, 2023, beginning at 8:30 a.m. at the Baldwin County Fairhope Satellite Courthouse, County Commission Meeting Chambers-2nd Floor, 1100 Fairhope Avenue, Fairhope, AL, 36532

    The said application will be considered by the Baldwin County Commission pursuant to Alabama Code- 45-2-261. The application materials are available for public review at the office of the Baldwin County Planning and Zoning Department, 22251 Palmer Street in Robertsdale, AL, or at the Foley Satellite Courthouse, 201 East Section Avenue in Foley, AL, during normal business hours. if you desire to speak with someone by telephone about this application, please contact the Baldwin County Planning and Zoning Department at (251) 580-1655. If you desire to submit written comments, please address your correspondence to:

    Baldwin County Planning & Zoning

    22251 Palmer Street

    Robertsdale, AL 36567


    You may email your comments to: If you desire to address the Baldwin County Commission in person about this application, please attend the public hearing at the time and location listed above.

    Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, disability. Persons who require special accommodations under the Americans with Disability Act or those requiring language translation services should contact the Baldwin County Planning & Zoning Department at 251-580-1655.

    19 September 2023 - 08:30 AM


    Pursuant to § 22-27-48.1, Code of Alabama (1975), public notice is hereby provided that the Baldwin County Commission has received an application for local approval of new solid waste management facility. The Commission and/or the Baldwin County Waste Siting Board will consider the siting of a new solid waste management facility in Bay Minette, Alabama, which facility and location are further described below. 

    To review a copy of both the local solid waste management plan and the application, please visit, during normal business hours from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., at the location referenced below:

    Baldwin County Solid Waste Department (Magnolia Landfill)
    15093 Landfill Drive
    Summerdale, Alabama

    All interested citizens are invited to make public comments and to attend a public hearing on Tuesday, September 19, 2023, at 8:30 a.m. at the Baldwin County Commission Chambers on the 2nd floor of the Fairhope Satellite Courthouse located at 1100 Fairhope Ave. Fairhope, Alabama, at which time the following permitting application will be addressed:

    Application to open a Transfer Station. The permitting application being considered will allow Baldwin County Solid Waste to submit a new permit application to the Alabama Department of Public Health for the construction of a new transfer station to be located at the end of Redhill Road Extension.  If the application is approved, the current Bay Minette Transfer Station (Alabama Department of Public Heath Permit Number 05-15-001) located at 43205 Nicholsville Road, Bay Minette, AL 36507 will cease operations.  Application for the new site is being considered to accommodate continued growth and industrial expansion, providing adequate disposal services to all areas of Baldwin County.

    The proposed site is within unincorporated Baldwin County.  The site is owned and operated by the Baldwin County Commission through the Solid Waste Department. The application for the transfer station permit is consistent with the Baldwin County Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan, which plan is available for review at Magnolia Landfill, 15093 Landfill Drive, Summerdale, AL 36580.

    The local governing body shall make a discretionary decision to approve or disapprove the siting of the new facility. In determining whether to approve the siting of the new solid waste management facility, the local governing body shall consider the following criteria, outlined by § 22-27-48(c), Code of Alabama (1975):
    (1) The consistency of the proposal with solid waste management needs as identified in the solid waste management plan.
    (2) The relationship of the proposal to local planned or existing development or the absence thereof, to major transportation arteries and to existing state primary and secondary roads.
    (3) The location of a proposed facility in relationship to existing industries in the state that generate large volumes of solid waste, or the relationship to the areas projected for development of industries that will generate solid waste.
    (4) Costs and availability of public services, facilities and improvements required to support a proposed facility and protect public health, safety, and the environment.
    (5) The impact of a proposed facility on public safety and provisions made to minimize the impact on public health and safety.
    (6) The social and economic impacts on the affected community, including changes in property values, and social or community perception.
    The application and approval process as provided in § 22-27-48.1, Code of Alabama (1975), is as follows:

    August 15, 2023 - Baldwin County Commission formally received application, approved Public Comment Period, Public Hearing and Public Awareness Meeting dates and advertisements.  Within 10 days, notice shall be provided to adjacent property owners via certified mail and to general public via, newspaper, public service announcements, and on the Baldwin County Commissions’ website,

    September 15, 2023, 10:00 a.m. - Public Awareness Session, Baldwin County Commission Chambers, Administrative Building, 322 Courthouse Square, Bay Minette, Alabama, during which the applicant shall provide general information on the proposal and address questions and concerns of the affected community. Members of the public may submit written questions or comments germane to the proposal.

    September 19, 2023, 8:30 a.m. - Public Hearing and Public Comment Review at the Baldwin County Commission Chambers on the 2nd floor of the Fairhope Satellite Courthouse located at 1100 Fairhope Ave. Fairhope, Alabama. The public may submit written comments at any time up to the conclusion of the hearing. The local governing body shall have thirty (30) days following the Public Hearing to make its decision to approve or disapprove the proposal.

    If the application is approved, applicant shall petition the Circuit Court of Baldwin County, Alabama for a determination pursuant to § 22-27-48.1(i), Code of Alabama (1975), of whether the proper requirements and time frames were complied with, whether such approval is consistent with the solid waste management plan, and whether the proper criteria was considered.

    All interested persons seeking to obtain additional information, to review a copy of the local solid waste management plan and the application are asked to please contact:
    Mrs. Terri Graham
    Development and Environmental Director
    Telephone (251) 972-6878

    Interested persons can obtain or can review copies of both the local solid waste management plan and the application, and the time frame for public hearings and involvement at the following address:

    Magnolia Landfill
    15093 Landfill Drive
    Summerdale, AL 36580.

    The public may submit written comments to the governing body via email or regular mail to the following:

    Mrs. Terri Graham
    Development and Environmental Director
    15093 Landfill Drive
    Summerdale, AL 36580

    19 September 2023 - 08:30 AM



    Main Office-251.580.1655

    22251 Palmer Street, Robertsdale, AL 36567          

    Foley Office

    201 East Section Avenue, Foley, AL 36535                                                                            


    CASE NO. CSP23-28

    Crain RV Park

    Notice is hereby given that the Baldwin County Commission will conduct a public hearing concerning an APPEAL submitted by Chris Lieb, on behalf of Melodye Zich and John Reid, concerning a decision made by the Baldwin County Planning and Zoning Commission regarding case CSP23-28, Crain RV Park.  The subject property is located on US Highway 98 between County Road 97 and Hillcrest Road.  (SEE MAP). The Parcel Identification Numbers are 05-52-09-30-0-000-008.000 and 05-52-09-30-0-000-007.000.

    The public hearing will be conducted during the regular meeting of the Baldwin County Commission, which is scheduled for Tuesday, September 19, 2023, beginning at 8:30 a.m. at the Baldwin County Fairhope Satellite Courthouse, County Commission Meeting Chambers-2nd Floor, 1100 Fairhope Avenue, Fairhope, Al.  36532.

    The application materials are available for public review at the office of the Baldwin County Planning & Zoning Department, 22251 Palmer Street in Robertsdale, AL.

    If you desire to speak with someone by telephone about this application, please contact the Baldwin County Planning and Zoning Department at (251)580-1655. If you desire to submit written comments, please address your correspondence to:

    Baldwin County Planning & Zoning Department
    22251 Palmer Street
    Robertsdale, AL 36567

    You may email your comments to Planning & Zoning Department at

    If you desire to address the Baldwin County Commission in person about this application, please attend the public hearing at the time and location listed above.

    Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, disability. Persons who require special accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act or those requiring language translation services should contact the Baldwin County Planning & Zoning Department at 251-580-1655.


    19 September 2023 - 08:30 AM



    Main Office-251.580.1655

    22251 Palmer Street, Robertsdale, AL 36567          

    Foley Office

    201 East Section Avenue, Foley, AL 36535                                                                         


    Case #: Z23-23

    Applicant Name: Pratt Thomas

    Planning District: 10                                                                                                                                                                                       Bailey Property                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             


    Notice is hereby given that the Baldwin County Commission will conduct a public hearing concerning a request submitted by Pratt Thomas on behalf of Keith Bailey. The applicant is requesting approval to rezone 2.6+/- acres from B-2 - Neighborhood Business to B-3 - General Business. The Parcel Identification Number is 05-32-05-22-0-000-076.000.

    The public hearing will be conducted during the regular meeting of Baldwin County Commission, which is scheduled for Tuesday, September 19, 2023 beginning at 8:30 a.m. at the Baldwin County Fairhope Satellite Courthouse, County Commission Meeting Chambers-2nd Floor, 1100 Fairhope Avenue, Fairhope, AL 36532

    The said application will be considered by the Baldwin County Commission pursuant to Alabama Code- 45-2-261. The application materials are available for public review at the office of the Baldwin County Planning and Zoning Department, 22251 Palmer Street in Robertsdale, AL, or at the Foley Satellite Courthouse, 201 East Section Avenue in Foley, AL, during normal business hours. if you desire to speak with someone by telephone about this application, please contact the Baldwin County Planning and Zoning Department at (251) 580-1655. If you desire to submit written comments, please address your correspondence to:

    Baldwin County Planning & Zoning

    22251 Palmer Street

    Robertsdale, AL 36567


    You may email your comments to: If you desire to address the Baldwin County Commission in person about this application, please attend the public hearing at the time and location listed above.

    Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, disability. Persons who require special accommodations under the Americans with Disability Act or those requiring language translation services should contact the Baldwin County Planning & Zoning Department at 251-580-1655.

    19 September 2023 - 08:30 AM

Baldwin County Seal White

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