Baldwin County

Please use the Baldwin County Parcel Viewer for Zoning information.

Submit a Zoning Verification Form at our online portal at CitizenServe to confirm the current zoning designation of the property or obtain additional zoning information.

The map provides the Planning Districts as well as zoning designation of individual parcels. Some areas of Baldwin County are unzoned, and therefore, not subject to the planning and zoning authority of the Baldwin County Commission. 


Navigating the Map:

  1. Click on the map linked here: Baldwin County Parcel Viewer
  2. Press I Agree and then Go To Map
  3. Scroll down to the search section and enter either the Owner Name, Parcel Number or PIN
  4. Press search
  5. Click on the Layers section
  6. Select the plus sign next to Baldwin County Data
  7. Press the empty boxes next to City Limits, County Zoning and County Planning Districts - a check mark should appear in the box
  8. Press any other layers you might need
  • If the property is in the city limits - it will be colored in and the name of the city will appear
  • If the property is zoned - it will be colored in and have the abbreviation of the zoning on the property (ex. RA)
  • If the color does not appear on the property, then the property is Unzoned


This map is just for informational purposes and may not reflect recent rezoning action.


If you would like a custom map, please complete the Custom Map Request Form and return it to your local Planning & Zoning Department office.

The District maps below are updated periodically. To get the most up-to-date zoning, please visit the Baldwin County Parcel Viewer or submit for a zoning verification through the online Citizenserve portal.

Planning District 24 DownloadPlanning District 24
Planning District 25 DownloadPlanning District 25
Planning District 30 DownloadPlanning District 30
Planning District 32 DownloadPlanning District 32
Planning District 35 DownloadPlanning District 35
Planning District 37 DownloadPlanning District 37
Planning District 4 DownloadPlanning District 4
Planning District 8, 19, 26 & 39 DownloadPlanning District 8, 19, 26 & 39

Baldwin County Seal White

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2020 Baldwin County Commission, Alabama. All rights reserved.
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