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Search Permits, Reports, Certificates of Occupancy, & Elevation Certificates
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Eddie Harper
Floodplain Administrator
Certified Floodplain Manager
Certified Building Official
251-972-6837 ext 2811
A Letter from the Baldwin County Floodplain Administrator with Flood Preparedness Info
The FEMA Flood Map Service Center (MSC) is the official online resource for accessing all flood hazard mapping products developed under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), including flood maps specific to our community.
For personalized assistance in reading and interpreting FEMA Flood Maps and Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs), please contact Janie Joiner at 251-972-6837. Our staff is available to help ensure you have the information needed to understand flood risks and insurance requirements in your area.
The Baldwin County Floodplain Development Ordinance applies to the unincorporated areas within the Baldwin County building permit jurisdiction and within the incorporated limits of the Town of Elberta, the Town of Magnolia Springs, and the Town of Perdido Beach. The purpose of this ordinance is to promote the public health, safety and general welfare and to minimize public and private losses due to flood conditions in Special Flood Hazard Areas.
A, AE, AH, AO, A-1 through A-30 Zones (excludes Coastal A-Zone and V-Zone)
Additional Resources:
Click to view a printable PDF version of the information above:
Requirements for Development in Special Flood Hazard Area: A, AE, AH, AO, A-1 through A-30 Zones
*Click to view the Requirements for Flood Openings in Foundation Walls and Walls of Enclosures, NFIP Technical Bulletin 1 (March 2020).
#Click to view the Flood Damage-Resistant Materials Requirements, Technical Bulletin 2 (August 2008).
Link to all NFIP Technical Bulletins
Requirements for Development within the Coastal High Hazard:
Coastal A Zones and V Zones
Storage & Accessory Structure Requirements
Additional Resources:
Click to view a printable PDF version of the information above:
Requirements for Development in Special Flood Hazard Area: Coastal A Zones and V Zones
Click to view the Free-of-Obstruction Requirements, NFIP Technical Bulletin 5 (March 2020).
*Click to view the Design and Construction Guidance for Breakaway Walls (August 2008).
#Click to view the Flood Damage-Resistant Materials Requirements, Technical Bulletin 2 (August 2008).
Link to All NFIP Technical Bulletins
The Elevation Certificate is an important administrative tool of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). It is to be used to provide elevation information necessary to ensure compliance with community floodplain management ordinances - "Baldwin County Floodplain Development Ordinance".
As part of the agreement for making flood insurance available in a community, the NFIP requires the community to adopt floodplain
management regulations that specify minimum requirements for reducing flood losses. One such requirement is for the community
to obtain the elevation of the lowest floor (including basement) of all new and substantially improved buildings, and maintain a
record of such information. The Elevation Certificate provides a way for a community to document compliance with the community's
floodplain management ordinance.
An Elevation Certificate must be prepared, signed, and sealed by a land surveyor or engineer authorized by law to certify elevation information and who is licensed in the State of Alabama.
The Baldwin County Building Department keeps all Elevation Certificates provided to the department during the permitting and inspection process. Please note that there will not be an Elevation Certificate on file for these situations:
CLICK HERE to Search for Elevation Certificates
If you are unable to locate a certificate for a specific address, it may be possible that a certificate is on file but has not yet been scanned and added to the database. You may send an email to BuildingDepartment@BaldwinCountyAL.gov with the address for further review. If we are able to locate an Elevation Certificate on file, we will email you a copy.
Additional Resources:
The objective of flood hazard management planning is to mitigate or eliminate risks to individuals and property resulting from flood hazards. Baldwin County, Alabama, has developed and continuously updated this Flood Hazard Management Plan to enhance the protection of residents and properties within the County's unincorporated areas from the impacts of flood hazard events:
2025 Baldwin County Flood Hazard Management Plan (FHMP)
Additional References:
2025 Annual Progress Report
FEMA Region 4 Risk Reduction Information and Resources
Resources for our residents to raise awareness of the risks and actions that you should take before and after a flood event.
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