Baldwin County

Search Permits & Reports

    This website will allow you to search for permits issued prior to November 1, 2020.

    This search page will allow you to search records for November 1, 2020 and forward. You may search for applications, permits, inspections, related documents, etc based on multiple criteria - such as by a specific address or parcel number, by a specific application or permit number, by a specific type of permit, by a specific permit status, based on an issued date, or any combination of those options.

    This reports page will allow you to run many different reports for records for November 2020 and forward. The reports provide many different types of information such as lists of permits issued by a date range, copies of the actual permits issued, permits issued pin-pointed on a map, active code cases pin-pointed on a map, etc. 

  • Here are some of the STANDARD MONTHLY REPORTS listed on the reports page:
  • Permits Issued List
    A list of all permits issued, based on issue date range; includes addresses, job valuations, permit fees, & permit totals; can filter by city name
  • Permit Documents
    A list of permits issued (except Flood Permits), based on issue date range; includes address and work description; can click document name to view the actual permit document that was issued; can click permit # to view full application
  • Flood Permit Documents
    A list of Flood Permits issued, based on issue date range; includes address and work description; can click document name to view the actual Flood Permit document that was issued; can click permit # to view full application
  • Residential New Construction Permits 
    A list of Building Permits issued for Residential & Multi-Family new construction, based on issue date range; includes address, building type, # of dwelling units, SF heated area, SF un-heated area, job valuations, & permit fees; can click permit # to view full application
  • Inspections
    A list of inspections, based on date range; includes address, inspection type, assigned inspector, & inspection status

CLICK HERE to Search for Elevation Certificates

If you are unable to locate a certificate for a specific address, it may be possible that a certificate is on file but has not yet been scanned and added to the database. You may send an email to with the address for further review. If we are able to locate an Elevation Certificate on file, we will email you a copy.

Baldwin County Seal White

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