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Coastal Area Program
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Not all documents in the checklists will apply to every application. The documents required depend on project location and type of project. You may contact a Building Department Permit Technician at 251-972-6837 for assistance determining specific requirements for your proposed project.
Please also refer to the Permit FAQs section which will provide additional information such as Contractor Requirements and details regarding the permit application process.
Permit applications can be submitted online in the Citizenserve Portal at www.BaldwinCountyAL.gov/CSP or in person at one of the Building Department office locations.
Refer to the Permit FAQs section of this website for detailed information as to whether you need a permit, who can get a permit, what type of contractor to hire, can owners act as their own contractor, how to get a permit, how much does it cost, how long is a permit good for, etc.
Click below for How To Videos:
Helpful Tips for CitizenServe: Registration and Login
How to Register as a Property Owner in the CitizenServe Portal
How to Register as a Contractor in the CitizenServe Portal
How to Apply for a Building Department Permit in the CitizenServe Portal
Helpful Tips for CitizenServe: How to Enter the Project Address, Pay Online, and Adjust Notification Popups
All contractors must be registered users in the County’s CitizenServe Portal. They can register online at www.BaldwinCountyAL.gov/CSP or complete a Portal Registration form. During the application review process and before a permit is issued, Building Department Permit Technicians will verify that the contractor listed on the application has registered for the CitizenServe Portal, that they have provided copies of their licenses, and that they hold the proper licenses for the scope of work and job valuation listed on the application.
Click below for an instructional video:
How to Register in the CitizenServe Portal as a Contractor
Property owners should make sure to hire properly licensed contractors and to always ask to see the contractor's licenses! Here are requirements to check for:
Note: Permits are required even if a property owner acts as their own contractor, performs the construction/work, and does not hire or compensate a contractor.
Click below for an Instructional Video:
How to Register in the CitizenServe Portal as a Property Owner
______ FOR TRADE PERMITS (Electrical, Mechanical/HVAC, Plumbing, Gas):
NOTE: This section does not apply to most permit applications for trades such as Re-Roofing, Mechanical/HVAC, Electrical, Plumbing, and Fire Protection Sprinkler.
NOTE: This section does not apply to most permit applications for trades such as Mechanical/HVAC, Electrical, Plumbing, Fire Protection Sprinkler, and Re-Roofing. This section does apply to Re-Roofing within the municipal limits of Magnolia Springs.
For a Residential Project Zoning Site Plan Approval review, the Baldwin County Planning & Zoning Department may require the following documents in addition to the Baldwin County Building Department's regular requirements::
NOTE: This section does not apply to permit applications for trades such as Re-Roofing, Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, and Fire Protection Sprinklers.
Structures located in a Flood Zone or in a Floodway must meet the Baldwin County Floodplain Development Ordinance and Flood Zone Requirements. Refer to the Flood Zone Info section of this website for additional information.
______ Flood Land Disturbance - Refer to Section # 4 above for information and requirements.
______ Temporary Benchmark (TBM) or Elevation Certificate (EC) - TBM must be provided on a survey or statement signed and stamped by an Alabama registered engineer, surveyor, or architect; EC must be provided on an official FEMA Elevation Form that is signed and stamped by an Alabama registered engineer, surveyor, or architect; refer to www.fema.gov/glossary/elevation-certificate
______ Coastal A Zone or V Zone Certificate – required if structure will be located in a Coastal A Zone or in a V Zone; must be signed and stamped by an Alabama registered engineer, surveyor, or architect; download the form here
______ Permit to Develop in a Special Flood Hazard Area – after you apply for a Building Permit and before the permit is issued, the contractor or property owner will be required to review and sign a Flood Permit form that will be provided to you by the Building Department
______ Under Construction Elevation Certificate - this document MAY be requested by the Building Inspector after the project has started depending on project conditions; must be signed and stamped by an Alabama registered engineer, surveyor, or architect
______ Finished Construction Elevation Certificate - must be submitted after permit is issued, near the end of the project before scheduling the final building inspection; must be signed and stamped by an Alabama registered engineer, surveyor, or architect
Alabama Board of Architects
Alabama Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors
______ "No-Rise Certificate" – must be designed, signed, and stamped by an Alabama registered professional engineer; refer to www.fema.gov/glossary/no-rise-certification-floodways.
Alabama Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors
NOTE: This section does not apply to permit applications for trades such as Re-Roofing, Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, and Fire Protection Sprinklers.
The following requirements may apply depending on the exact property location on Fort Morgan:
______ Coastal Area Program Permit - for property located on Fort Morgan Peninsula that intersects the Construction Control Line (CCL). Refer to the Coastal Area Program section of this website for additional information.
______ U.S. Fish & Wildlife Incidental Take Permit (ITP) - for property located on Fort Morgan Peninsula, contact 251-441-5868 or 251-441-5181 or apply online at https://epermits.fws.gov/
Per Section 45-2-170 of the Code of Alabama, 1975:
The Building Official of Baldwin County, Alabama, shall not issue a building permit for the construction of improvements, including, but not limited to, driveways and foundations which use clays, sand clays, and other materials which may discolor the natural white sands and waters in any of the following unincorporated areas of Baldwin County, Alabama:
If the property is located in one of those areas, then a small sample of any proposed fill material (sand, soil, gravel, etc.) must be submitted in person to one of the Building Department offices prior to issuance of a Building Permit. The Building Official will review the fill material to ensure the color and type of fill is acceptable per the state law.
Please visit the DO I NEED A PERMIT? section of the Permit FAQs page for additional information.
*** If you are unsure if your project requires a permit, please contact a Permit Technician at the Building Department BEFORE you start any work. Stop Work Orders may be issued and penalty fees may apply for work started without obtaining required permits. ***
*** If you are unsure which application type to choose from the list below, you may contact a Permit Technician at the Building Department to inquire. ***
Refer to Section #s 1, 2, and 3 above for required information needed for all types of permit applications.
______ Permit Application – In the CitizenServe Portal, submit a Trade Permit application with the sub-type that matches the type of work.
For Electrical Permit applications, the Scope of Work must include what structure is going to be powered by the permitted electrical service. The structure must have been permitted by the property owner (or a contractor) before a permit can be issued for the Electrical Permit. The electric utility companies will not connect electrical service for a structure without the issued electrical permit. Electrical services are not permitted for vacant properties with no building permits.
NOTE: Section #1 above applies to all permits. Section #s 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, & 8 above may also apply to this type of project.
______ Permit Application – In the Citizenserve Portal, submit a Building Permit (Residential) or a Building Permit (Commercial/Multi-Family) application with sub-type of Accessory Structure (Barn/Shed/Storage Building/Gazebo/etc:
______ Address Request, Verification, or Correction Letter – required if this will be the first structure on the property; you may submit an Address Request and Verification on the Baldwin County 911 website at www.baldwin911.org.
______ Proof of Ownership – a copy of a certified deed will be required only if the deed has not been recorded with the Probate Office or the current owner is not listed on the Revenue Commission Office property tax records as of yet
______ Construction Plans – refer to adopted building codes and supplemental code for additional information; must be drawn to scale; provided in a digital PDF format. All residential new construction requires engineered construction plans to be signed and stamped by an Alabama licensed architect OR engineer. All commercial/multi-family/non-residential construction requires construction plans to be signed and stamped by both an Alabama licensed architect AND engineer. Exceptions: Detailed non-engineered construction plans may be accepted for small additions, alterations/repairs, accessory structures, storage buildings, pole barns, porches, decks, etc. However, depending on the size, use, and complexity of the project, engineered plans may still be required.
______ Site Plan - must be drawn to scale; must indicate footprint of all existing structures as well as the proposed structure (with dimensions); must include all distances from property lines and from other structures on property, etc.
______ Driveway Permit - required if this will be the first structure on the property; confirmation from appropriate authority that culvert has been applied for, is existing, is not required, or is not county maintained:
______ Sewer Release or Health Department Release - required only if plumbing will be added to this structure
______ Water Release - required only if water service will be added to this structure
______ Type of Construction - will the accessory structure be constructed/built on-site or will it be a pre-manufactured structure that is already assembled and transported to the site?
______ Use of Building and/or Storage Area - what the building will be used for and what will be stored in the storage areas?
______ Any additional documentation deemed necessary by the Building Department
This type of application is required for any new construction of, addition to, or alteration/repair of a MARINE ACCESSORY (ex. boathouse, pier, dock, etc.) that is located within a Special Flood Hazard Area.
If the marine accessory is not located within a Special Flood Hazard Area, the Baldwin County Building Department does not require a permit for the work; and this application is not required. However, other agencies may still require approval before the work begins. We strongly suggest you contact the US Army Corps of Engineers Mobile District at 251-690-2658 AND the State Lands Division of the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources at 251-621-1238 for more information.
NOTE: Section #1 above applies to all permits. Section #s 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, & 8 above may also apply to this type of project.
______ In the Citizenserve Portal, submit a Flood Permit application with the sub-type of Marine Accessory (Boathouse/Pier/Dock/Boatlift/Bulkhead/Seawall).
______ Address Request, Verification, or Correction Letter – required if there is not a residential dwelling already on the same property with a verified Baldwin County 911 address; submit an Address Request and Verification on the Baldwin County 911 website at www.baldwin911.org
______ Proof of Ownership – a copy of a certified deed will be required only if the deed has not been recorded with the Probate Office or the current owner is not listed on the Revenue Commission Office property tax records as of yet
______ U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Permit - Visit the US Army Corps of Engineers Mobile District website (https://www.sam.usace.army.mil/Missions/Regulatory.aspx) or call 251-690-2658 for info
______ Alabama State Lands Division Permit (Notice of Intent to Impact State Owned Submerged Land) - Visit the State Lands Division webs (https://www.outdooralabama.com/about-us/state-lands-division) or call 251-621-1238 for info
______ Electrical Permit Application - If the work will include any electrical wiring or service to be altered or added, a separate Electrical Permit will be required. In the Citizenserve Portal, submit a Trade Permit application with sub-type of Electrical Permit.
______ Any additional documentation deemed necessary by the Building Department
A dune walkover is a raised walkway constructed for the purpose of protecting the beach and dune system between mean high tide and the construction control (CCL) line from damage that may result from anticipated pedestrian traffic to the beach, and which is no more than six (6) feet in width for multiple family/commercial/public structures, no more than four (4) feet in width for single family/two family structures, constructed without roof or walls, elevated at least one (1) foot above the dune, and extends seaward of the vegetation line.
NOTE: Section #s 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, & 8 above may apply to this type permit application.
______ Permit Application – In the Citizenserve Portal under the Building Department section, submit a Coastal Area Program Permit application. Visit the Coastal Area Program website at https://baldwincountyal.gov/departments/building-inspection/coastal-area-program for more info.
______ An approved Zoning Site Plan from the Baldwin County Planning & Zoning Department – In the Citizenserve Portal under the Planning & Zoning Department section, submit a Zoning Site Plan application. Visit the Planning & Zoning Department website at https://baldwincountyal.gov/departments/planning-zoning for more info.
______ U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services Incidental Take Permit (ITP) - Visit the USFWS website at https://epermits.fws.gov/ or call 251-441-5868 or 251-441-5181 for info.
______ Proof of Ownership – a copy of a certified deed will be required if the deed has not been recorded with the Probate Office or the current owner is not listed on the Revenue Commission Office property tax records as of yet
______ Recent Survey - A recent survey prepared and stamped by a Professional Land Surveyor registered in the State of Alabama; survey should show all existing and proposed structures as well as all construction details for the proposed dune walkover. It should include the height, width, and length of the walkover, dune height, vegetation line, and construction control line (CCL).
______ Construction Plans - must be drawn to scale and provided in a digital PDF format
______ Any additional documentation deemed necessary by the Coastal Area Program division of the Building Department
A dune walkover shall be constructed to the following standards:
A. There shall be no more than one (1) dune walkover per parcel.
B. Dune walkovers shall begin at the existing ground level elevation of the principal landward structure.
C. The maximum width of the dune walkover structure shall be no more than four (4) feet for single family/two family structures and no more than six (6) feet for multiple family/commercial/public structures. Maximum widths shall be applicable to all sections of the dune walkover structure, including but not limited to steps, ramps, landings and decks.
D. The elevation from the bottom of floor joists of the dune walkover shall be no less than one (1) foot and no more than three (3) feet above the maximum elevation of the dune system being traversed.
E. No vertical or horizontal structures shall be allowed above thirty-eight (38) inches from the walking surface, i.e., roofs, walls, pergolas, etc.
F. Handrails, if any, shall be no higher than thirty-six (36) to thirty-eight (38) inches above the walking service for Single- and Two-Family Dwellings.
G. The dune walkover shall terminate ten (10) feet seaward of the vegetative line of the dune.
H. The location and length of the dune walkover is to be coordinated through and approved by the delegated authority of the Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM) and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
I. No lighting shall be utilized on a dune walkover.
J. No dune walkover construction shall occur during the sea turtle nesting season from May 1 through November 1.
NOTE: Section #1 above applies to all permits. Section #s 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, & 8 above may also apply to this type of project.
NOTE: If a manufactured home will be installed on an approved lot located within an approved Mobile Home Park, then items 4, 5, 6, & 7 listed below will not be required.
If the Manufactured/Mobile Home will be installed within a Special Flood Hazard Area, the following additional items will be required:
______ Engineered Foundation Plan - must be provided in a digital PDF format; must be signed and stamped by an Alabama licensed architect OR engineer
______ Unzoned Land Disturbance - required for any property located in a unzoned area if any land disturbance will occur within a Special Flood Hazard Area and/or within a Potential Wetland Area. The UnZoned Land Disturbance must be applied for and issued BEFORE a building permit can be approved and issued. Apply to the Baldwin County Planning & Zoning Department: apply online in the Citizenserve Portal; for questions or assistance, contact 251-580-1655 or Planning@BaldwinCountyAL.gov
______ Temporary Benchmark (TBM) or Elevation Certificate (EC) - TBM must be provided on a survey or statement signed and stamped by an Alabama registered engineer, surveyor, or architect; EC must be provided on an official FEMA Elevation Form that is signed and stamped by an Alabama registered engineer, surveyor, or architect; refer to www.fema.gov/glossary/elevation-certificate
______ Coastal A Zone or V Zone Certificate – required if structure will be located in a Coastal A Zone or in a V Zone; must be signed and stamped by an Alabama registered engineer, surveyor, or architect; download the form here
______ Permit to Develop in a Special Flood Hazard Area – after you apply for a permit and before the permit is issued, the contractor or property owner will be required to review and sign a Flood Permit form that will be provided to you by the Building Department
______ Finished Construction Elevation Certificate - must be submitted after permit is issued, near the end of the project before scheduling the final building inspection; must be signed and stamped by an Alabama registered engineer, surveyor, or architect
NOTE: Section #1 above applies to all permits. Section #s 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, & 8 above may also apply to this type of project.
______ Permit Application – In the Citizenserve Portal, submit a Building Permit (Residential) application with sub-type of Modular Home Installation or Modular Home Installation Including Electrical.
______ Address Request, Verification, or Correction Letter – required for all new construction; you may submit an Address Request and Verification on the Baldwin County 911 website at www.baldwin911.org.
______ Proof of Ownership – a copy of a certified deed will be required if the deed has not been recorded with the Probate Office or the current owner is not listed on the property tax records as of yet; if the manufactured home will be installed in an approved Mobile Home Park, then a lease agreement with address and lot number signed by both parties may be accepted
______ Site Plan - must be drawn to scale; must indicate footprint of all existing structures as well as the proposed structure (with dimensions); must include all distances from property lines and from other structures on property, etc.
______ Driveway Permit - confirmation from appropriate authority that culvert has been applied for, is existing, is not required, or is not county maintained:
______ Sewer Release or Health Department Release -
______ Water Release -
______ Construction Plans - must be approved and stamped by the Alabama Manufactured Housing Commission (AMHC). Modular homes shall be certified by an Alabama licensed engineer to meet the adopted wind loads.
______ Engineered Foundation Plan and Anchorage to Foundation Plan - must be provided in a digital PDF format; must be signed and stamped by an Alabama licensed engineer; must equal or exceed local adopted codes
______ Modular Home Installer Contact Information - the installer must hold a license from the Alabama Manufactured Housing Commission (no homeowners are allowed to install or setup). The certified installer must complete their registration in the Citizenserve Portal before the modular home permit application will be approved. During the registration process, the person listed on the Certified Modular Home Installer License must be the person who provides their contact information, signature, and documents. The required documents include copies of the installer's state issued ID (such as a driver’s license), State of Alabama Business License, and certified installer license.
If the Modular Home will be installed within a Special Flood Hazard Area, the following additional items will be required:
______ Unzoned Land Disturbance - required for any property located in a unzoned area if any land disturbance will occur within a Special Flood Hazard Area and/or within a Potential Wetland Area. The UnZoned Land Disturbance must be applied for and issued BEFORE a building permit can be approved and issued. Apply to the Baldwin County Planning & Zoning Department: apply online in the Citizenserve Portal; for questions or assistance, contact 251-580-1655 or Planning@BaldwinCountyAL.gov
______ Temporary Benchmark (TBM) or Elevation Certificate (EC) - TBM must be provided on a survey or statement signed and stamped by an Alabama registered engineer, surveyor, or architect; EC must be provided on an official FEMA Elevation Form that is signed and stamped by an Alabama registered engineer, surveyor, or architect; refer to www.fema.gov/glossary/elevation-certificate
______ Coastal A Zone or V Zone Certificate – required if structure will be located in a Coastal A Zone or in a V Zone; must be signed and stamped by an Alabama registered engineer, surveyor, or architect; download the form here
______ Permit to Develop in a Special Flood Hazard Area – after you apply for a permit and before the permit is issued, the contractor or property owner will be required to review and sign a Flood Permit form that will be provided to you by the Building Department
______ Finished Construction Elevation Certificate - must be submitted after permit is issued, near the end of the project before scheduling the final building inspection; must be signed and stamped by an Alabama registered engineer, surveyor, or architect
This section applies to the construction of new structures listed in Section R101.2 of the 2018 International Residential Code (IRC).
NOTE: Section #1 above applies to all permits. Section #s 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, & 8 above may also apply to this type of project.
______ Permit Application - In the Citizenserve Portal, submit a Building Permit (Residential) application with sub-type of New Construction.
______ Address Request, Verification, or Correction Letter – required for all new construction; you may submit an Address Request and Verification on the Baldwin County 911 website at www.baldwin911.org.
______ Proof of Ownership – a copy of a certified deed will be required only if the deed has not been recorded with the Probate Office or the current owner is not listed on the Revenue Commission Office property tax records as of yet
______ Construction Plans – refer to adopted building codes and supplemental code for additional information; must be drawn to scale; provided in a digital PDF format. Residential new construction requires engineered construction plans to be signed and stamped by an Alabama licensed architect OR engineer.
______ Site Plan - must be drawn to scale; must indicate footprint of all existing structures as well as the proposed structure (with dimensions); must include all distances from property lines and from other structures on property, etc.
______ Driveway Permit - confirmation from appropriate authority that culvert has been applied for, is existing, is not required, or is not county maintained:
______ Sewer Release or Health Department Release -
______ Water Release -
______ Use of Building and/or Storage Area - what the building will be used for and what will be stored in the storage areas
______ Any additional documentation deemed necessary by the Building Department.
This section applies to the addition of square footage (horizontally or vertically) to existing structures listed in Section R101.2 of the 2018 International Residential Code (IRC).
NOTE: Section #1 above applies to all permits. Section #s 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, & 8 above may also apply to this type of project.
______ Permit Application - In the Citizenserve Portal, submit a Building Permit (Residential) application with sub-type of Addition to Existing Building.
______ Proof of Ownership – a copy of a certified deed will be required only if the deed has not been recorded with the Probate Office or the current owner is not listed on the Revenue Commission Office property tax records as of yet
______ Construction Plans – refer to adopted building codes and supplemental code for additional information; must be drawn to scale; provided in a digital PDF format. Residential construction requires engineered construction plans to be signed and stamped by an Alabama licensed architect OR engineer. Exceptions: Detailed non-engineered construction plans may be accepted for some small additions.
______ Site Plan - must be drawn to scale; must indicate footprint of all existing structures as well as the proposed structure (with dimensions); must include all distances from property lines and from other structures on property, etc.
______ Sewer Release or Health Department Release - required only if adding bedrooms to the structure.
______ Use of Building and/or Storage Area - what the building will be used for and what will be stored in the storage areas
______ Any additional documentation deemed necessary by the Building Department
This section applies to alterations, repairs, and interior buildouts *when no square footage is being added* to existing structures listed in Section R101.2 of the 2018 International Residential Code (IRC).
NOTE: Section #1 above applies to all permits. Section #s 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, & 8 above may also apply to this type of project.
______ Permit Application - In the Citizenserve Portal, submit a Building Permit (Residential) application with sub-type of Alterations/Repairs/Buildout of Existing Building.
______ Proof of Ownership – a copy of a certified deed will be required only if the deed has not been recorded with the Probate Office or the current owner is not listed on the Revenue Commission Office property tax records as of yet
______ Construction Plans – refer to adopted building codes and supplemental code for additional information; must be drawn to scale; provided in a digital PDF format. Residential construction requires engineered construction plans to be signed and stamped by an Alabama licensed architect OR engineer. Exceptions: Detailed non-engineered construction plans may be accepted for small additions, alterations/repairs, accessory structures, storage buildings, pole barns, porches, decks, etc.
______ Use of Building and/or Storage Area - what the building will be used for and what will be stored in the storage areas
______ Any additional documentation deemed necessary by the Building Department
This section applies to the construction of new structures listed in Section 101.2 of the 2018 International Building Code (IBC).
NOTE: Section #1 above applies to all permits. Section #s 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, & 8 above may also apply to this type of project.
______ Permit Application – In the Citizenserve Portal, submit a Building Permit (Commercial/Multi-Family) application with sub-type of New Construction.
______ Address Request, Verification, or Correction Letter – required for all new construction; you may submit an Address Request and Verification on the Baldwin County 911 website at www.baldwin911.org.
______ Proof of Ownership – a copy of a certified deed will be required only if the deed has not been recorded with the Probate Office or the current owner is not listed on the Revenue Commission Office property tax records as of yet
______ Construction Plans – refer to adopted building codes and supplemental code for additional information; must be drawn to scale; provided in a digital PDF format. Non-residential/commercial construction requires construction plans to be signed and stamped by BOTH an Alabama licensed architect AND engineer.
______ Site Plan - must be drawn to scale; must indicate footprint of all existing structures as well as the proposed structure (with dimensions); must include all distances from property lines and from other structures on property, etc.
______ Driveway Permit - confirmation from appropriate authority that culvert has been applied for, is existing, is not required, or is not county maintained:
______ Sewer Release or Health Department Release:
______ Water Release -
______ Use of Building and/or Storage Area - what the building will be used for and what will be stored in the storage areas
______ Any additional documentation deemed necessary by the Building Department.
This section applies to the addition of square footage (horizontally or vertically) to existing structures listed in Section 101.2 of the 2018 International Building Code (IBC).
NOTE: Section #1 above applies to all permits. Section #s 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, & 8 above may also apply to this type of project.
______ Permit Application – In the Citizenserve Portal, submit a Building Permit (Commercial/Multi-Family) application with the sub-type of Addition to Existing Building.
______ Proof of Ownership – a copy of a certified deed will be required only if the deed has not been recorded with the Probate Office or the current owner is not listed on the Revenue Commission Office property tax records as of yet
______ Construction Plans – refer to adopted building codes and supplemental code for additional information; must be drawn to scale; provided in a digital PDF format. Non-residential/commercial/multi-family construction requires construction plans to be signed and stamped by BOTH an Alabama licensed architect AND engineer.
______ Site Plan - must be drawn to scale; must indicate footprint of all existing structures as well as the proposed structure (with dimensions); must include all distances from property lines and from other structures on property, etc.
______ Use of Building and/or Storage Area - what the building will be used for and what will be stored in the storage areas
______ Any additional documentation deemed necessary by the Building Department
This section applies to alterations, repairs, and interior buildouts *when no square footage is being added* to existing structures listed in Section 101.2 of the 2018 International Building Code (IBC).
NOTE: Section #1 above applies to all permits. Section #s 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, & 8 above may also apply to this type of project.
______ Permit Application – In the Citizenserve Portal, submit a Building Permit (Commercial/Multi-Family) application with sub-type of Alterations/Repairs/Buildout of Existing Building.
______ Proof of Ownership – a copy of a certified deed will be required only if the deed has not been recorded with the Probate Office or the current owner is not listed on the Revenue Commission Office property tax records as of yet
______ Construction Plans – refer to adopted building codes and supplemental code for additional information; must be drawn to scale; provided in a digital PDF format. Non-residential/commercial/multi-family construction requires construction plans to be signed and stamped by BOTH an Alabama licensed architect AND engineer.
______ Use of Building and/or Storage Area - what the building will be used for and what will be stored in the storage areas
______ Any additional documentation deemed necessary by the Building Department
This section applies to the construction of new structures listed in Section 101.2 of the 2018 International Building Code (IBC).
NOTE: Section #1 above applies to all permits. Section #s 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, & 8 above may also apply to this type of project.
______ PLANNING & ZONING APPROVAL – required for any sign/billboard to be located within a zoned area, for any sign that is greater than or equal to 200 Square Feet to be located in an unzoned area, OR for any size billboard to be located in an unzoned area:
______ Permit Application – In the Citizenserve Portal, submit a Building Permit (Commercial/Multi-Family) application with sub-type of Signs/Billboards.
______ Address Request, Verification, or Correction Letter – required for all new construction; you may submit an Address Request and Verification on the Baldwin County 911 website at www.baldwin911.org. If this has already been provided with a permit application for the related building, you will not be required to submit it again.
______ Proof of Ownership – a copy of a certified deed will be required only if the deed has not been recorded with the Probate Office or the current owner is not listed on the Revenue Commission Office property tax records as of yet
______ Construction Plans – refer to adopted building codes and supplemental code for additional information; plans must be drawn to scale, provided in a digital PDF format, signed and stamped by a design professional who is licensed in the State of Alabama. For a free-standing sign with a display area greater than or equal to 32 square feet, construction plans must also be stamped for wind in compliance with the 2018 International Building Code.
______ Site Plan - must be drawn to scale; must indicate footprint of all existing structures as well as the proposed structure (with dimensions); must include all distances from property lines and from other structures on property, etc.
______ ALDOT Approval - For roadways that are subject to the Alabama Beautification Act, an Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) permit will be required (except for "on premise" signs); visit the ALDOT website at https://www.dot.state.al.us/business/permits/hba.html for more info; upload a copy of your ALDOT approval with your sign/billboard permit application.
______ Electrical Permit Application - If the sign/billboard will be illuminated or any electrical wiring or service will be altered or added, a separate Electrical Permit will be required. In the Citizenserve Portal, submit a Trade Permit application with sub-type of Electrical Permit.
______ Any additional documentation deemed necessary by the Building Department.
This section applies to the construction of new tower structures listed in Section 101.2 of the 2018 International Building Code (IBC).
NOTE: Section #1 above applies to all permits. Section #s 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, & 8 above may also apply to this type of project.
______ Permit Application – In the Citizenserve Portal, submit a Building Permit (Commercial/Multi-Family) application with sub-type of Tower/New Construction.
______ Address Request, Verification, or Correction Letter – required for all new construction; you may submit an Address Request and Verification on the Baldwin County 911 website at www.baldwin911.org.
______ Proof of Ownership – a copy of a certified deed will be required only if the deed has not been recorded with the Probate Office or the current owner is not listed on the Revenue Commission Office property tax records as of yet
______ Construction Plans – refer to adopted building codes and supplemental code for additional information; must be signed and stamped by a professional engineer licensed in the State of Alabama; must be provided in a digital PDF format and drawn to scale; subject to applicable wind loads in compliance with the 2018 International Building Code (IBC) and the 2017 National Electrical Code (NEC); must include foundation plans; must include electrical plans/riser.
______ Site Plan - must be provided in a digital PDF format and drawn to scale; must indicate footprint of all existing structures as well as the proposed structure (with dimensions); must include all distances from property lines and from other structures on property, etc.
______ Driveway Permit - confirmation from appropriate authority that culvert has been applied for, is existing, is not required, or is not county maintained:
______ FCC Letter of Approval - this must be obtained and provided to the Building Department after the building permit is issued. The FCC will not issue their approval without the building permit.
______ FAA Letter of Approval
______ Any additional documentation deemed necessary by the Building Department.
Note: separate permits are required for electrical trade work and for any additional buildings before being installed, constructed, altered, repaired, or demolished.
This section applies to the co-locates, alterations, or repairs of tower structures listed in Section 101.2 of the 2018 International Building Code (IBC).
NOTE: Section #1 above applies to all permits. Section #s 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, & 8 above may also apply to this type of project.
______ Permit Application – In the Citizenserve Portal, submit a Building Permit (Commercial/Multi-Family) application with sub-type of Tower/Co-Locate/Alterations/Repairs.
______ Proof of Ownership – a copy of a certified deed will be required only if the deed has not been recorded with the Probate Office or the current owner is not listed on the Revenue Commission Office property tax records as of yet
______ Construction Plans – refer to adopted building codes and supplemental code for additional information; must be signed and stamped by a professional engineer licensed in the State of Alabama; must be provided in a digital PDF format and drawn to scale; subject to applicable wind loads in compliance with the 2018 International Building Code (IBC) and the 2017 National Electrical Code (NEC)
______ Structural Analysis Report - must be signed and stamped by a professional engineer licensed in the State of Alabama; must be provided in a digital PDF format; subject to applicable wind loads in compliance with the 2018 International Building Code (IBC)
______ Any additional documentation deemed necessary by the Building Department.
Note: separate permits are required for electrical trade work and for any additional buildings before being installed, constructed, altered, repaired, or demolished.
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