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A building permit is an official document approved by the government and your local building department giving you permission to move forward with construction or renovations. Going through the building permit process is a safe, smart way to make sure you are complying with all necessary protocols. Issues such as meeting building code standards could arise during a project and a building permit approval moves you forward without facing those concerns mid-project.
If you decide against working with a contractor, contacting a Permit Technician at the Building Department can be a great starting point. The project would be discussed and they would give you details regarding what specific permits you may need to acquire, if any. Some of these specialized permits include a mechanical/HVAC permit, electrical permit, or a plumbing permit. If you decide to work with a contractor, a Permit Tech can also verify if your contractor has the proper licenses required for the project.
Baldwin County's building permit jurisdiction includes most of the unincorporated areas of Baldwin County as well as properties located inside the town limits of Elberta, Magnolia Springs, and Perdido Beach.
Access the Baldwin County Parcel Viewer at https://isv.kcsgis.com/al.baldwin_revenue/. Check the boxes beside the City Limits layer and the Building Permit Jurisdictions layer (see the red arrows and yellow highlighted areas below):
Then, search for or zoom in to the project location. If the property/parcel is inside Elberta, Magnolia Springs, or Perdido Beach city limits, it will be permitted by the County Building Department. If the property/parcel is within the Baldwin County boundary and is not labeled and colored in any other city limits or building permit jurisdiction layer, it will also be permitted by the County Building Department.
Currently, Silverhill and Summerdale permit within their police jurisdiction area which extends outside of their city limits into the unincorporated area. For those areas and for properties located inside any city limits other than Elberta, Magnolia Springs, and Perdido Beach, the property owner or contractor should contact the specific city's Building Department office for permitting requirements and information. Access a list of municipalities inside Baldwin County and links to their websites at the following web address: https://www.baldwincountyal.gov/government/municipalities.
Per the adopted International Building Code and International Residential Code, any owner or owner's authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, demolish, or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert, or replace any electrical, mechanical, or plumbing system, the installation of which is regulated by the code, or to cause any such work to be performed, shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permits.
Permits can be issued to the property owner or the property owner’s authorized agent/contractor. Any agent/contractor submitting a permit application must certify that (1) the property owner has authorized the proposed work and (2) the property owner has authorized them to submit the permit application on their behalf.
If the property owner is hiring and compensating a contractor to do the work, it is best for the contractor to submit the permit application so they can provide copies of their licenses, a detailed scope of work, and the required documents. However, it is the property owner's responsibility to make sure permits are obtained. Always ask to see the permits before the work begins.
You may click here to view the Terms of Service for Permit Applications and the Issuance of Permits.
Click below to view How-To Videos:
How to Register as a Property Owner
How to Register as a Contractor
During the application review process, Building Department staff will verify that the contractor listed on the application has registered for access to the Citizenserve Portal, that they have provided copies of their licenses, and that they hold the proper licenses for the scope of work and job valuation provided.
Click an option below for Portal Registration:
Click below for a How-To Video:
Property owners should make sure to hire properly licensed contractors and to always ask to see the contractor's licenses! Here are requirements to check for:
Property owners should make sure to hire design professionals (such as architects, engineers, and surveyors) that are licensed in the State of Alabama.
Note: Permits are required even if a property owner acts as their own contractor, performs the construction/work, and does not hire or compensate a contractor.
Click below for a How-To Video:
How To Register in the Portal as a Property Owner
How to Submit Permit Applications in the Portal
Property owners can perform their own mechanical, electrical, and plumbing work. However, you should obtain separate permits for each of those trades prior to starting the work.
Although the Baldwin County Building Department does not currently require or issue permits for gas fitting, you must follow the guidelines of the State of Alabama Plumbers & Gas Fitters Examining Board. Property owners should not perform their own gas fitting work. Gas fitting work should be performed only by contractors who hold an active Master Gas Fitter license from the Alabama Plumbers & Gas Fitters Examining Board at http://www.pgfb.alabama.gov/.
The State of Alabama Home Builders Licensure Law ( https://hblb.alabama.gov/law/) requires residential construction to be performed by a licensed residential home builder. The property owner can request an exemption to that law. This exemption allows the owner of the property to act as his/her own builder even though he/she does not have a license.
You may build or improve your own residence, but it must be for your use and occupancy. It may not be built or improved for the purposes of selling. If you place the residence for sale within one year after the construction is complete, the law will presume that you built it for sale, which is a violation of this exemption.
You may not hire or compensate anyone to supervise the building or improvement of the residence. It is your responsibility to make sure that subcontractors employed by you have the proper licenses required by state law and a State of Alabama business license issued through any county in the state. Your construction must comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, building codes, and zoning regulations.
By claiming exempt status, the property owner waives his/her rights for protection under the provisions of the Home Builders Licensure law. In the event of litigation involving activities resulting from the granting of a permit, the property owner may not make demand of any money from the Homeowner's Recovery Fund, established by the Home Builders Licensure law.
Click to access the Sworn Statement of the Property Owner Claiming Exemption from the Requirements of the State of Alabama Home Builders Licensure Law form. To qualify for this exemption, the property owner must review, complete, and return this form to the Building Department before the permit is issued.
Property owners are exempt from the licensing requirements of the State of Alabama General Licensure Law ( https://genconbd.alabama.gov/Law.aspx) pursuant to Section 34-8-1 when acting as their own contractor and providing all materials and supervision for the construction. Any of the work contracted out must comply with the definition in this chapter for general contractor. Section 34-8-7 (a)(3). The property owner should be fully aware of the State Laws and remain in compliance with the requirements for exemption to permit as an owner. Section 34-8-9 (amended 2006).
The property owner should understand that by claiming exempt status, they waive their rights for protection under the provisions of the General Contractors Licensure law and that in the event of litigation involving activities resulting from the granting of this permit.
The property owner should also understand that permits for subcontractor work in electrical, plumbing, gas, heating, air conditioning, and refrigeration must hold valid licenses from the appropriate state board of contractors.
Any permit obtained by an owner acting as his/her own contractor may be subject to a review and approval by the Alabama General Contractors Licensure Board.
Click to access the Sworn Statement of the Property Owner Claiming Exemption from the Requirements of the State of Alabama Licensing Board for General Contractors Licensure Law form. To qualify for this exemption, the property owner must review, complete, and return this form to the Building Department before the permit is issued.
Click to view the current permit fee schedules for the costs of permits.
You will not pay at the time you submit the permit application. You will be required to pay the permit fees after the application has been reviewed and approved. The permit status will be updated to "Approved/Payment Required" and you will receive a notification email when it is time for you to make a payment.
You may pay by credit or debit card online in the Citizenserve Portal. Log into the portal, click MY ACCOUNT, then click VIEW MY REQUESTS. Click on the permit number, then click on the MAKE A PAYMENT tab. You may also choose to pay by check or cash in one of the Building Department offices.
The permit will not be issued and you should not start any work on the project until after the fees are paid and the permit status is changed to "Issued".
After you submit a COMPLETE permit application with all required information and documents, prepare for the following application processing times:
Log into the Citizenserve Portal, click MY ACCOUNT, then click VIEW MY REQUESTS. Choose BUILDING DEPARTMENT in the drop down list, click on the permit number that your question or comment is related to, then click LEAVE A MESSAGE. Your message will be automatically assigned to the staff member who is responsible for your file.
You may also call 251-972-6837 to reach the Building Department and request to speak to a Permit Technician.
Per the 2018 International Building Code (IBC) and the 2018 International Residential Code (IRC), permits are valid for 180 days from the issue date or 180 days from the date of the last inspection. If no inspections are performed within the 180 days, the permit will expire. Each time an inspection is performed, the permit expiration date is extended and the 180 days starts over again.
Here are options you may choose from to keep your permit file active or to close your file:
*IMPORTANT INFORMATION: If you do not complete any of the three options above before the expiration date, the permit will expire and the project will be in non-compliance with the building construction laws and building codes adopted by the Baldwin County Commission. Any further work performed after the permit expiration will be subject to Stop Work Orders, penalty fees of $150.00 per day, and disconnection of power. To reinstate a permit after expiration, you may qualify for a Permit Reactivation (with fees required) or you must start over and complete a new permit application (with new permit fees required).
*NOTE: When the Building Department permit expires, any approvals obtained through the Planning and Zoning Department also expire. If the property is zoned and the project initially required a Zoning Site Plan Approval (also known as a Land Use Certificate) from the Planning and Zoning Department, you must first obtain a new approval from that department before submitting a Permit Reactivation Request or a new Building Permit application.
Once a permit expires without the required inspections, the project is considered non-compliant and in violation of the building construction laws and building codes adopted by the Baldwin County Commission. Any further work conducted on the project may result in Stop Work Orders, penalty fees of $150.00 per day, and disconnection of power.
In accordance with the adopted International Building Code (IBC), a permit becomes invalid if work is not initiated on the authorized site within 180 days of issuance, or if the work is suspended or abandoned for 180 days after it has commenced. Similarly, the adopted International Residential Code (IRC) specifies that a permit is also considered invalid if work has not started on the authorized site within 180 days of issuance, or if more than 180 days pass between inspections.
Here are three options you may consider to bring the project back into compliance or to close your file:
*NOTE: When the Building Department permit expires, all approvals from the Planning and Zoning (P&Z) Department also expire. If the property is county-zoned and/or required a Zoning Site Plan Approval (Land Use Certificate) from Baldwin County P&Z, your application will be sent to P&Z for review before the Permit Reactivation Request or new Building Permit can be approved. If the property is zoned by the Town of Elberta, Town of Magnolia Springs, or Town of Perdido Beach, and/or required a Land Use Certificate from those towns, you must obtain P&Z approval from them before applying for the Permit Reactivation Request or a new Building Permit.
A Certificate of Occupancy (C.O.) is issued for new construction and for change of use only. No building shall be occupied without benefit of a Certificate of Occupancy. A C.O. will not be issued until all required permits have been obtained, all required paperwork is on file, and a final building inspection has been approved. Some zoned properties also require a final site inspection to be approved by the Planning and Zoning Department.
DO NOT EXPECT the C.O. to be issued on the same day as the final inspection. Please allow up to two business days after the approved final inspection has been completed for processing and issuance of the C.O. The C.O. will be emailed to the permit holder.
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