Baldwin County

Building Codes

The International Code Council is the leading global source of model codes and standards and building safety solutions that include product evaluation, accreditation, technology, training, and certification. The Code Council's codes, standards, and solutions are used to ensure safe, affordable, and sustainable communities and buildings worldwide.

The Baldwin County Commission has adopted and enforces the International Code Series as noted below as of May 21, 2019:

NOTE: Should any of the above-adopted codes have a minimum requirement that is in conflict, the more restrictive requirement will prevail and will be required.

All residential new construction requires engineered construction plans to be signed and stamped by an Alabama licensed architect OR engineer.
Exceptions: Detailed non-engineered construction plans may be accepted for small additions, alterations/repairs, accessory structures, storage buildings, pole barns, porches, decks, etc.

All non-residential construction requires construction plans to be signed and stamped by both an Alabama licensed architect AND engineer.

The Baldwin County Commission has also adopted and enforces the following ordinances and resolutions:

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